One of the trickiest things about being a good pet parent is knowing when your furry friend needs medical care. Sometimes it’s obvious, but other times there’s a problem, and you don’t even realize it. If only pets could speak, they’d be able to tell you there’s a problem.
What’s important is that your pet’s medical issues are discovered and corrected as soon as possible, before they cause discomfort or become difficult or costly to treat. But guess what – there is something you can do to help catch some things early. It’s called wellness testing.
That’s when we take blood, urine and stool samples and run lab tests to look for illnesses that may not be detected during your pet’s physical exam.
Abnormal results are found in around 30% of apparently healthy dogs and 25% of apparently healthy cats. But the good news is, many issues, when caught early by wellness testing, can be treated successfully and cost-effectively. Best case scenario — everything comes back normal, and that information is an extremely valuable “baseline” in case things change in the future.